dismantling code objects

Martin von Loewis loewis at informatik.hu-berlin.de
Tue Sep 25 08:46:31 EDT 2001

dean.hall at computer.org (Dean Hall) writes:

> I'd appreciate any feedback on the doc (I consider it a rough draft
> and won't be offended by constructive criticism).

I find your text well-written, and I'd encourage you to keep it
up-to-date (e.g. Python 2.2 will add a few byte codes).

I think the type setting could use some improvements, e.g. the figure
numbers are never printed, and the tables with empty fields look ugly
(e.g. opcodes 93,94).

I'd spend a few more words on marshal, so that the reader atleast gets
an idea of what it does - you may leave out the information of how
exactly it does that(*).


(*) Of course, there would be a value in elaborating the format of
marshal (and thus .pyc files) as well - I believe it would be the
first documentation of this kind.

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