ANNOUNCE: PyCrust 0.6 is fresh out of the oven!

Patrick K. O'Brien pobrien at
Wed Sep 12 21:24:12 EDT 2001

PyCrust 0.6 is available for tasting. In particular, PyCrust now
comes with PyShell and PyFilling.

PyCrust - The Flakiest Python Shell
Half-baked by Patrick K. O'Brien (pobrien at

What is PyCrust?
PyCrust is an interactive Python environment written in Python.
PyCrust components can run standalone or be integrated into other
development environments and/or other Python applications.

PyCrust comes with an interactive Python shell (PyShell), an
interactive namespace/object tree control (PyFilling) and an
integrated, split-window combination of the two (PyCrust).

What is PyCrust good for?
Have you ever tried to bake a pie without one? Well, you
shouldn't build a Python program without a PyCrust either.

Where can I get the latest release of PyCrust?
The latest PyCrust releases are available at:

What else do I need to use PyCrust?
PyCrust requires Python 2.1 or later, and wxPython 2.3.1 or later.
PyCrust uses wxPython and the Scintilla wrapper (wxStyledTextCtrl).
Python is available at
wxPython is available at

Patrick K. O'Brien
Orbtech (
"I am, therefore I think."

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