Proposal: add vector arithmetic to array module

Paul Rubin phr-n2001 at
Tue Sep 25 14:26:37 EDT 2001

"Mike C. Fletcher" <mcfletch at> writes:
> Numeric is becoming a very widely used module, so if there is something
> going into the core, it would be my vote.  However, I'd still like to see a
> better mechanism for distributing extensions (e.g. auto-downloading signed
> packages from a Zope server somewhere) so that the list of "included"
> modules can _shrink_, rather than grow.
> But then everyone wants that,

I certainly don't want any automated software downloads happening
without my permission, signed code or not.  Also, just because code is
signed doesn't mean I trust whoever signed it.  I'm generally willing
to trust the maintainers of highly visible systems (e.g. the main
Python distribution) if I'm getting the source code.  But if it's
something infrequently used from a random developer who I don't know,
I'll usually inspect the source code before compiling it, which takes
quite a bit of time.  I do *not* want dozens of packages signed by
unknown random distributors installed on my machine automatically.

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