bsddb3 vs zodb

Peter Hansen peter at
Thu Sep 20 22:09:11 EDT 2001

vincent delft wrote:
> I just would like to have a very small DB with concurrent read and write.
> I've a daemon collect data and store them into the DB.
> But I've other processes (not deamon) that will read and write into the same
> DB.

I'm pretty sure a single ZODB FileStorage can only be used from within
a single Python program, unless you run Zope itself and perform all
database accesses using one of the defined protocols such as HTTP or FTP,
or maybe use SOAP or XML-RPC.

This sounds way more complex than what you seem to need.

> What about the performances (how many read/write per seconds, what about the
> memory used by those solutions, ...)

What requirements do you have?  (Issues such as performance and
memory consumption should generally be addressed first by defining
your own needs, then checking whether a given solution is adequate.
If you start by picking the fastest solution, or the least memory
intensive, just because it is the fastest or most efficient, you
are effectively optimizing before you have a working solution.
You are also putting a lower priority on ease of use, reliability,
and other more important issues.  Just set a minimum threshold and
exclude any solutions which don't meet your requirement.  Then
pick from the remaining ones based on other criteria.)

Peter Hansen, P.Eng.
peter at

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