binary search trees using classes

Grant Edwards grante at
Mon Oct 29 12:00:23 EST 2001

In article <3BDC5B9F.32246B75 at>, Ype Kingma wrote:

>> I was wondering if anyone had a binary search tree module I
>> could use? I need to write a program that counts the number of
>> occurrences of each word in a file, and outputs the word and
>> corresponding counts alphabetically. For example, if input is
> You might consider an alternative:
> Counting words is better done using a dictionary.

Coming up with the answer to a different/better question
doesn't usually result in high grades on homework problems.

> This will use hashing for lookups, which is normally faster
> than using a binary tree.

Ah, but the whole point is to learn how binary trees work.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Jesuit priests are
                                  at               DATING CAREER DIPLOMATS!!

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