safe simultaneous file append?

Aahz Maruch aahz at
Tue Oct 9 22:48:16 EDT 2001

In article <mailman.1002521586.6848.python-list at>,
Graham Guttocks  <graham_guttocks at> wrote:
>Given the following code, is there any danger of the logfile being
>corrupted if two copies of this code try to append at the same time?
>  file = open('logfile.txt','a+')
>  file.write('testing' + '\n')
>  file.close()

As others have mentioned, you want to make sure it's a single write()
call.  Instead of flush(), though, I recommend that you do

    file = open('logfile.txt', 'a+', 0)

to force unbuffered mode.

(Of course, the close() should flush it, too, but I'd suggest leaving
the file open for speed.)
                      --- Aahz  <*>  (Copyright 2001 by aahz at

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