class browser for python ??

Scherer, Bill Bill.Scherer at
Thu Oct 18 08:44:16 EDT 2001

On Wed, 17 Oct 2001, Markus Jais wrote:

> hello,
> is there a tool out there, which can show me the class
> structure of a python module
> something like a class browser would be needed
> or a tool that can generate UML diagramms from python sources
> any hints are welcome

Here's some code that uses GraphViz
( to create a
uml-ish class hierachy diagram of a module.  It's a bit weak, but
not so bad for a quick hack.

usage: pyviz <module_name_without_extension>

It will write out the dot file, call dot to create a png, then
launch ee to view the png.  This is all set to work on Linux...


Note also that there is Object Domain, a UML case tool that
supports Python, including reverse engineering.

Bill.Scherer at Verizon Wireless
RHCE 807101044903581

########## begin pyviz ###########

#! /usr/local/bin/python

import sys, os, types
moduleName = sys.argv[1]
exec "import %s" % moduleName
module = eval(moduleName)
classes = []

for each in dir(module):
    thing = eval("module.%s" % each)
    if type(thing) == types.ClassType:

sys.stdout = open("./" % moduleName, 'w')

def printBases(klass):
    if klass.__bases__:
        for base in klass.__bases__:
            print '\t', klass.__name__, '->',
            print base.__name__, ';'
        #print klass.__name__

print 'digraph pyviz{'
print 'size = "8,10";'
print 'ratio = fill;'
print 'margin = 1;'
print 'center = 1;'
print 'bgcolor=white;'
print 'edge [color=blue,arrowhead=normal,arrowsize=1.5];'
print 'rankdir=LR;'

for each in classes:
    print each.__name__, '[shape=box];'

for each in classes:

print '}'

sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__

os.system("dot -Tpng -o%s.png" % (moduleName, moduleName))
os.system("ee %s.png" % moduleName)

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