Travis Oliphant oliphant at
Mon Oct 15 23:36:01 EDT 2001

A version of scipy had a typo in so that
Tupletype should have been TupleType

>>> from scipy import *

>>> help(io.fopen.fort_read)

 fort_read(fmt, dtype=None)

Read a Fortran binary record.


  fmt -- If dtype is not given this represents a struct.pack
         format string to interpret the next record.  Otherwise this
         argument is ignored.
  dtype -- If dtype is not None, then read in the next record as
           an array of type dtype.

Outputs: (data,)

  data -- If dtype is None, then data is a tuple containing the output
          of struct.unpack on the next Fortan record.
          If dtype is a datatype string, then the next record is
          read in as a 1-D array of type datatype.

There are two ways to call this method of the object returned by fopen:

1) output_tuple = fid.fort_read(<some_struct_format_string>)

2) 1darray = fid.fort_read(whatever, dtype='double')

You probably whan the second method to read in a fortran record (created
by each write statement in your Fortran code) as an array of real*8 values


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