list to tuple question

Mike Ryan miker at
Fri Oct 5 10:56:55 EDT 2001

"Janos Blazi" <jblazi at> wrote in message
news:3bbdc533_6 at
> I'd like to make a formatted string like this:
> s='%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n' % (A,)+b+(C,D)
> The point is, that b is already a list and this would simplify matters.
> unfortunately (or most obviously for the initiated) I get the error
> that a tuple and a list cannot be concatenated. What should I do. I could
> solve the problem by using a for-loop but is it necessary?

Try this:

s = '%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n' % ((A,) + tuple(b) + (C, D))

BTW, the other error in your statement was not putting the concatenation
inside of parentheses.  Remember your order of evaluation for operators.
The modulo operator (%) has a higher precedence than the addition (+)
operation.  It suprises me that you actually got the error that you did get.


Michael Ryan
Information Services Manager
21st Century Health and Benefits, Inc.

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