I am so embarrassed!

tefol tefol at This.Is.Not.An.Address
Sat Oct 13 12:05:28 EDT 2001

A few hours ago,  I wrote:
>I have written a script to automate the creation of users on a Red Hat
>7.1 server.   I did a lot of testing on my dev server, and it worked
>Adds the user to the /etc/passwd file, adds an encrypted passwd to the 
>/etc/shadow file.  User can log in fine.
>I move the script over to my live server,  and it doesn't work.  It
>looks like it works.  The user I add appears in both the above files. 
>But it can't log in.

Sometimes I am sooo stupid it hurts.

Users tend not to be able to log in if their shell doesn't exist on the 
system, or if it isn't listed in /etc/shells, or both.


Still,  there is a good working useradd script for redhat (et. al,  I 
assume) linux boxes.   It generates a fresh salt for each new user's 
password encryption.  Works great.

Knock yourself out.



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