Critical sections and mutexes

brueckd at brueckd at
Tue Oct 23 21:33:23 EDT 2001

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001, Cliff Wells wrote:

> >From original post:
> "only case I can see this being a problem is when, say,
> Thread A locks something in the main thread, starts to
> interact with it, is preempted, and then the main
> thread gets a timeslice and interacts with the locked
> resource--which it views as local and doesn't need to
> check for a lock."
> If you are going to share a resource among threads, then _every_ access to
> that resource _must_ be enclosed in locks (even if you are only reading from
> the resource).

No, "normal" operations on Python objects are atomic as far as threads are
concerned. There are some very good reasons for using locking/signaling
(to sequentialize access to a function, to keep a worker thread asleep
until you use a semaphore to signal it to awake, etc), but it's not always
a requirement. Consider a simple producer/consumer situation:

import threading, time, random

foo = []

def producer():
    for i in range(10):
        print 'Producing', i
        time.sleep(random.random() * 1.0)
    print 'Producer done'

def consumer():
    count = 0
    while 1:
            num = foo.pop(0)
            print 'Consuming', num
            count += 1
            if count >= 10:
        except IndexError:

        time.sleep(random.random() * 1.0)
    print 'Consumer done'



Producing 0
Producing 1
Consuming 0
Producing 2
Producing 3
Consuming 1
Producing 4
Consuming 2
Producing 5
Consuming 3
Consuming 4
Producing 6
Consuming 5
Producing 7
Consuming 6
Producing 8
Producing 9
Producer done
Consuming 7
Consuming 8
Consuming 9
Consumer done

No crashes, stomped memory, or any other problems you'd expect.


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