Python Based Graphics Course

Owen F. Ransen ransen_spam_me_not at
Wed Oct 3 01:27:19 EDT 2001

I tried to post this, twice, but it did not turn up in the
newsgroup...any ideas?


Ransen's Artistic Programming Tutor 

RAPT (Ransen's Artistic Programming Tutor) makes it fun and 
interesting to create images using programming. You learn
to program in order to create images (instead of doing abstract 
mathematical operations or boring text manipulations). 

The course consists of an electronic book (PDF format) of 10 chapters 
and a graphics program which allows you to immediately view and save 
the images you have made. 

You will learn to describe and create colors, lines, circles, arcs, 
points, disks, graded backgrounds etc. You will understand how to use
a computer to generate new ideas by casual combinations of simple
objects. You will learn how to make spirals and schematic cities,
precision optical art and wild random art.

RAPT is ideal for artists as a self teaching tool, or for teachers who

want a fun way of introducing programming to their pupils. Python, an
increasingly popular programming language, is used as the basis 
of the course.

The program runs on Windows-95, 98, ME, NT-4 and 2000. 

A free demo version is available from 

The single user full version costs $19.95(US) and allows saving
in Illustrator 9 and CorelDraw 10 PS vector formats, as well as 
normal bitmap formats (PNG,BMP,JPG,PCX,TGA) up to 2500 pixels square. 

Site licenses are available.

For more information contact:

Owen Ransen at ransen at


The Saelig Company 
email:Saelig at 
Tel: (716) 425 3753 
Fax: (716) 425 3835 

Owen F. Ransen
Home of Gliftic & Repligator Image Generators

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