Bugfix releases (RE: profiler results for __getattr__, am I reading this correctly ? )

Steve Holden sholden at holdenweb.com
Thu Oct 18 08:26:46 EDT 2001

"Anthony Baxter" <anthony at interlink.com.au> wrote ...
> >>> "Tim Peters" wrote
> > The bugfix release process is the topic of Aahz's PEP 6, who may have
> > believed that titling it "Bug Fix Releases" was enough clue <wink>:
> Ah, that cunning "hidden in plain sight" approach. Who'd have thought.
Gets *me* every time...

> It still doesn't cover the process of deciding what would go in the
> patch release... I know that I'd be happier upgrading to 2.1.2 than
> 2.2 in the next couple of months - and given the peasants-are-revolting
> sentiment of c.l.py at the moment, I doubt I'm the only one...
It's only the fatc that they're revolting that identifies them as peasants.
Seriously, though, there are many good reasons why you might not want to
upgrade, including having a large and varied hardware base and wanting to
keep all Pythons roughly in step. Hence, lowest common denominator, usually
what you started with on your first machine (though personally I removed
1.5.2 from my last system three or four moths ago, I'm now thinking of
re0installing it on a test machine for compatibilty testing).

> How would this sound as a first cut at a what-goes-in-and-what-stays:
>    a) bugfixes.

Kind of essential in a bugfix release.

>    b) no new modules, no new packages.


>    c) no new methods on classes, unless they're bugfixes.


>    d) if the bug fix relies on some 2.2-ism, then it's either rewritten,
>       or ignored and relnoted
Yes, but are there any such?

This all sounds about right. So, how does it feel to be the new patch czar?


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