bug in builtin compile function?

Michael McCandless mail at mikemccandless.com
Sun Oct 14 15:30:21 EDT 2001


If I have a file, foo.py, that has a syntax error in it, and I create a
separate bar.py that tries to load and compile the contents of foo.py
like this:

  s = open('foo.py').read()
  compile(s, 'foo.py', 'exec')

Then I get a traceback like this:

  Traceback (innermost last):
    File "bar.py", line 3, in ?
      compile(s, 'foo.py', 'exec')
    File "<string>", line 2
  SyntaxError: invalid syntax

My question is: why does the SyntaxError say:

    File "<string>", line 2

instead of:

    File "foo.py", line 2


I told compile that the file was "foo.py", so, why doesn't it say that
in the SyntaxError instead of saying <string>?



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