Error Handling Resources

Graham Ashton graz at
Tue Oct 23 12:40:33 EDT 2001

In article <mailman.1003811481.1738.python-list at>, "Jeff
Hinrichs" <jlh at> wrote:

> I am relatively new to Python coding and have written some small applets
> but now I'm moving on to some bigger projects.  I am searching for a
> good resource on error handling in Python.  Would anyone on the list
> care to nudge me in the direction of an URL or book?

It just so happens that chapter 5 of David Beazley's excellent "Python
Essential Reference", covering flow control and exceptions is available
online as a PDF.

Have a read. If you've programmed before it's an excellent book, always
the first thing I flick through. It's not really in a tutorial style, but
gives you the low down.

Exceptions are also covered in Mark Pilgrim's "Dive into Python":

Another excellent read for the initiated.

I take it you've been through the relevant part of the tutorial...


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