Python is better than free (was Re: GNU wars again)

Lee Morgan unknown at
Wed Oct 3 01:39:30 EDT 2001

Cliff Wells <logiplexsoftware at> writes:
> Actually, unless you were embedding Python in your app I don't think this is 
> true, since _your_ source would not in fact contain any GPL'd code.  
> Additionally, I expect the Python libraries would fall under LGPL so using 
> them would not "infect" your code.

This may be off topic but what does it mean to release a python module/package
under LGPL?

An import is not a linking ... so does it mean I can't use it in a commercial
product? I'd like to think I could use it if I released any changes I made to
the module/package - but I don't think thats the case.

(Commercial as in closed source)

> -- 
> Cliff Wells
> Software Engineer
> Logiplex Corporation (
> (503) 978-6726 x308
> (800) 735-0555 x308

Lee Morgan

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