Curious assignment behaviour

Nomad nomad*** at ***
Mon Oct 22 07:48:46 EDT 2001

On 19 Oct 2001 11:26:22 GMT, Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
<qrczak at> wrote:
>Fri, 19 Oct 2001 11:59:43 +0200, Nomad <nomad***@***> pisze:
>> I'm probably over my head (and more than likely rambling as well),
>> but in "let x = y" doesn't the 'let' denote that the value of 'x'
>> will be changed?
>It depends on the language. There are languages where 'let x = y'
>introduces the name x, defined as y, and its value can't change.

But, surely, if (as you mention above) x is introduced
(defined/dimensioned... whatever), then x's value _will_ be changed
from (in python terms) None to that defined in y?



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