.NET Presentation -- San Francisco -- October 4

ADDWebSite addwebsite at aol.com
Tue Oct 2 03:04:09 EDT 2001

San Francisco Bay Area Association of Database Developers
Annual Meeting
425 Market Street, Room 208
San Francisco

Thursday, October 4, 2001
6:30 PM

This year we're providing a huge assortment of party platters from Chevy's,
along with cold beverages. 


Various items will be raffled off during the evening, including gift
certificates for Stacey's bookstore.


This event is free for current ADD members.  If your membership is about to
expire, this is a great time to renew.  The cost for guests, non-members, and
expired members will be $10.00 for the presentation and an optional $10.00 for


Please e-mail your RSVP to ADDWebSite at aol.com, and tell us if you will be
bringing one or more guests.  Also, please indicate where you saw this


6:30 - Check-in, renew memberships, website photos 
6:45 - Dinner, introduction of board candidates, balloting
7:30 - Presentation
8:30 - 15-minute break, announcement of election results
8:45 - Presentation
9:30 - Wrap-up



Speaker and Topic:

So, there you are immersed in desktop or web app development, battling current
or legacy technologies in Fox 2.x, VFP, SQL, Access and/or VB. Your clients
want it all web enabled, and you're bouncing around between ASP, WebConnection,
Cold Fusion, or open source.  You're finally getting a handle on ADO and stored
procedures, mastering OLEDB, and finally realize that ActiveX is nothing more
than OLE, and DNA is just a marketing term for n-tier distributed
architectures. ASP has revved from 2.0 to 3.0, IIS 4 to IIS 5, you've gotten
2000 installed and stable, and now you have to learn... 'Dot What'? NO WAY! 
But you have to at least understand what .NET is, why it is, how it works and
what it all means. You have to take it seriously enough to at least understand
how it will affect you. And now, here's your chance. 
The annual meeting of the ADD will feature Martin Triplett of Magenic (see
below) presenting on .NET.  His presentation is being specially customized for
the ADD membership to provide an overview and introduction of what .NET is,
what a .NET application looks like, and an overview of the breadth and depth of
this new paradigm shift from Microsoft that is now bearing down upon us.  It
will include demonstrations (time allowing) of web services, web forms,
winforms, and the data engine ADO.NET, and will include information on the
languages and platform foundation.  He will be showing demo applications and
sample code, and he should leave you with at least a good understanding of what
it is and how it may affect you in the coming years.   
Martin Triplett is a 14-year veteran Developer, Technical Architect, Team Lead,
Multi-Team Lead, Designer, Project Manager, Trainer and Mentor. Currently a
Principal Consultant with Magenic Technologies, his broad collection of skills
include Internet technologies such as .NET, COM, Components, and Web Services
as well as multiple languages such as ASP.NET, VB.NET, VB 3-6, PL/SQL, C++, C#
and TransactSQL. His database experiences span SQL Server 6.5-2000, Oracle,
Informix and Access.  His industry knowledge includes E-Commerce, Retail,
Telecom, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Financial, Utilities and Real Estate. 
Magenic is a premiere Microsoft Gold Certified Partner with offices in Atlanta,
Dallas, Minneapolis, and the San Francisco Bay Area, working with a wide
variety of clients ranging from ISVs to innovative Fortune 1000 companies. 
They provide expertise in E-Commerce application development, Distributed
Application Development, Application Integration and Enterprise Data Services
(Business Intelligence).

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