learn OOP with Python

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at bt.com
Thu Oct 25 11:10:50 EDT 2001

> a new employee will write scripts for us in python, but he has not much
> experience with OOP. Are there any books that teach OOP concepts using
> Python ? 

Several, although not just OOP.
Most of the Python books available(including mine :-) have
OOP sections. There are lots of general OOP books too
- Booch etc... that teach OO principles.

> Is there a good source to give somebody with experiences in Pascal
> and VBScript an introduction in the OO way of thinking ?

You could try my online tutor which covers Python and QBASIC
It has a chapter on OOP and a Case study which includes 
objectifying a procedural app:


But its designed for absolute beginners and is likely too 
elementary. The other source for all things OO is the
cetus-links web site..


Alan G.

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