Anaconda command line syntax

James Garrison jhg at
Fri Oct 12 12:34:08 EDT 2001

Can someone please point me to a complete description of the
command-line syntax for anaconda, including the syntax used for
the -m (--method=) option?  I'm trying to run anaconda in test mode
in order to capture the install screens for some documentation,
and I can never get to the package selection because it complains

"An error has occurred while retrieving the hdlist file"

... and then unceremoniously exits. Here's what I've tried so far:

anaconda --test -m cdrom://mnt/cdrom

anaconda --test -m cdrom://mnt/cdrom/RedHat/base

James Garrison                                Athens Group, Inc.
mailto:jhg at                    5608 Parkcrest Dr                    Austin, TX 78731
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