a better prime number generator

Alves, Carlos Alberto - Coelce calves at coelce.com.br
Tue Oct 23 10:26:46 EDT 2001

Why not try a variation from basic example in Python Tutorial by Guido van

def getPrimesTill(x):
	for i in range(3,x,2):
		for x in range(2,i):
			if i%x==0:
	return primes

Carlos Alberto
COELCE/DPRON-Departamento de Projetos e Obras Norte
Fone: 677- 2228
e-mail: calves at coelce.com.br
(o o)

-----Original Message-----
From: dhillon_rs at rediffmail.com [mailto:dhillon_rs at rediffmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2001 2:40 PM
To: python-list at python.org
Subject: a better prime number generator

hi all,
I have just been introduced to pyton and find it a very good ( takes
off all the bookwork ) language. I was trying to develope a ast prime
number generator. I designed the following algo. Can you please
suggest a faster one or modifications to this only to make it faster

#the following algo returns all the primes below x

def getPrimesTill(x):
	a = range(2,x)
	c = [2]
	i = 0
	j = 0

	foundone = 1
	while i < len(a):
		while j < len(c) and (c[j] < (.5 * a[i]) ) and foundone ==
			if a[i]%c[j] == 0:
				foundone = 0
			j = j + 1
		if foundone == 1 and i > 0:
		j = 0
		foundone = 1
		i = i + 1
	return c

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