(automatically) reloading changed modules into a running program

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Fri Nov 16 03:23:22 EST 2001

    Thomas> I wrote a script which
    Thomas> - automatically reloads changed modules depending on their
    Thomas>   timestamp 
    Thomas> - updates existing objects in a running program: classes,
    Thomas>   functions, bound and unbound methods
    Thomas> Eventually I plan to submit it into the Python Cookbook.


I think your autoreload module is a great idea, but probably not Python
Cookbook material.  Instead I suggest you put it up somewhere and list it in
the Vaults of Parnassus.  My view of the Python Cookbook is that people go
there to find little snippets of code that explain how to do particular
things.  Your code looks more-or-less like a complete module that solves a
specific problem.  It isn't so much instructive (Python Cookbook material)
as useful (Vaults of Parnassus material).

Skip Montanaro (skip at pobox.com - http://www.mojam.com/)
It's only a 25% solution to our problems.  Of course, we only want to solve
25% of our problems, so it becomes a 100% solution.

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