
Ken Seehof kseehof at
Tue Nov 27 00:44:08 EST 2001

Why is the __file__ attribute (of a module) a relative filename rather than a fully qualified filename?  One would think that the __file__ attribute might be used for the purpose of locating and opening a source file, right?   If somebody wants a relative filename couldn't they split it themselves?  By making module.__file__ relative, information is lost.  What was Guido thinking???  Perhaps a __fullpath__ should be added.

Don't tell me about the fact that .pyc files might be moved along with .py file from a different computer, thereby rendering the full pathnames incorrect.  That's a silly argument not worth addressing. :-)

Is there a good general way to determine the full pathname of a module file, or is the best approach to search sys.path for module.__file__?

If the module is an extension module, how do I find the full pathname of the source code file (preferably platform independent)?

- Ken Seehof 
kseehof at

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