a parser/scheme

David Grenier grenieda at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 15 15:28:33 EST 2001

I'm trying to build a parser for a class I designed that works likes cons in
scheme. I just can't figure out how to recrusively do it with those
functions definitions:

from types import *

class cons:
   def __init__(self,carpart,cdrpart):
      self.car = carpart
      self.cdr = cdrpart

   def __str__(self):
      a='(' + str(self.car)
      while type(champ) is InstanceType:
          a=a + ' ' + str(champ.car)

      if type(champ) is ListType:
          return a + ')'
          a=a + ' ' + str(champ) + ')'
          return a

   def __repr__(self):
      return str(self)

   def parse(stringexp):
       flatexp = split(replace(replace(stringexp,'(',' ( '),')',' ) '))
       (remainder,res) = parselist(flatexp+[')'])
       if remainder!=[]:
           raise SchemeError('remains something! ' + join(remainder,' '))
       return res

    def parselist(flatexp, previous_res=[])

Here I can't figure out what goes int. With the previous function I get to
tokeniz my string into the individual parts like: (+ a b) i get a list which
is ['(', '+', 'a', 'b', ')'] Then I'm supposed with parselist to produce the
corresponding scheme list which would be something like cons('(', cons('+',
cons('a', cons('b', cons(')',[]))))) now I got to make that recursive method
in order to be able to trade things like that: (+ a (+ b a)) in order to
have (+ b a) parsed before it is put into the list as a single element. I'm
really desesperate, I tried to figure this out for about an hour and can't
get through it.

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