context-sensitive help from editor

Mike Maxwell maxwell at
Mon Nov 19 12:19:08 EST 2001

Excuse me if this has been asked, but I didn't see anything in the FAQ, the
archive of this newsgroup (except for a 1995 msg), etc.

My editor (Visual SlickEdit, on Win2k) has context-sensitive help for a
number of programming languages.  Normally, this calls a Windows Help (.HLP,
or nowadays .CHM) file with a keyword.  I would like to be able to do this
with Python, but all I can find are .html, .PDF, and .PS files, and I don't
know how to open one of these at a given keyword (or make it jump to a new
keyword if it's already open).  I can of course drill down through the
links, but that misses the point of having context-sensitive help.

Is there a .HLP or .CHM file out there somewhere?  Or is there an easy way
to turn a .HTML file into a .CHM file?  (Or a way of passing a keyword to
Adobe Reader or GhostView, so it goes directly to the relevant place in the

     Mike Maxwell
     Linguistic Data Consortium
     maxwell at

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