Prob with

Gordon McMillan gmcm at
Fri Nov 16 08:32:50 EST 2001

[posted and mailed]

Lemniscate wrote:

> I am having a problem converting a python script into an exe.  The
> script works fine/great when run normally, but when I try to Freeze it
> I get the following error.  Anybody have any recommendations?  Thanks
> a bunch.  Later.

> C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\py2exe>UniLocString

Hmm, despite the directory name, it looks like you're using Installer, not 

> Traceback (most recent call last):
> ImportError: No module named win32api

Did you use the -win32 flag to Freeze? (If not, you can edit the cfg file 
and remove the exclude of pywintypes and win32api).

>From your other post, I see you're using COM. If you're using 
win32com.client.Dynamic, you should be all set. If you're using the genpy 
stuff, please read the the last section of doc/faq.html.

- Gordon

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