Unicode and string conversions

Salim Zayat zayats at blue.seas.upenn.edu
Fri Nov 16 12:32:29 EST 2001

Hey there.  I was wondering something.  I understand that if you type in 
something like:

uni = u'\u0621\u0622'

uni becomes a unicode string, with two characters and all.  That's cool.  
What I dont understand is how to start with a normal string, something 
like :

str = '\u0621\u0622' or some other way of packaging that info

and convert it to a unicode string that will yield the same result as uni 
above.  Is this even possible?  I have this feeling I am missing some 
glaringly obvious detail.  Any help, including any links to handling 
unicode strings as a whole, would be appreciated.


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