Sockets and messaging services

Nomad nomad*** at ***
Wed Nov 14 07:32:29 EST 2001

On Wed, 14 Nov 2001 10:15:27 +0100, Skip Montanaro <skip at>
>    >> IMHO the SMTP and POP protocols provide the same benefit (and there
>    >> are Python modules for those protocols).
>    shriek> Using a mailserver as a messaging platform for middleware ?
>It's not all that far-fetched.  I know some people have experimented with
>XML-RPC over SMTP (which is no longer XML-RPC, but that's a nit).

You could also use a custom jabber handler.  There was a really nice
article in Linux Magazine (IIRC in either the July or August issue)
about jabber and creating your own handlers in perl.  Although I
haven't tinkered with it enough to give you an example, I'm sure you
could easily use JabberPy (see for it.


Wondering of the vast emptyness of the 'net
in search of something cool.

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