How much is set in stone?

Chris Barker chrishbarker at
Tue Nov 6 19:19:06 EST 2001

Jive Dadson wrote:
> I expected better from this group.

That last message was a littel snide, but what exactly di you expect.

As someone new to Python, you have proposed something that you think is
absolutely indespensible, and despite a number of people politely
explaining why they don't think your suggestion is likely to to be
incorporated into Python, you continue to imply that the language is
practically unusable because of this one missing feature. People are
only going to listen to that for so long before they get snide.

By the way, every single one of the modifications listed as being part
of "C-mode" have been suggested by people new to Python, who insisted
that Python would be much better if that feature were incorporated!
(except maybe removing class, but I wouldn't be too surprised!)


Christopher Barker,
ChrisHBarker at                 ---           ---           --- ---@@       -----@@       -----@@
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Oil Spill Modeling                ------   @    ------   @   ------   @
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