Considering getting into Python... Any Pros-Cons?

Cliff Pruitt mail at
Sun Nov 4 05:37:26 EST 2001

Hello, I've just started looking into Python and am considering delving into
it a bit.  My main reason is that it seems to be pretty portable across
platforms.  I work on a Mac for the most part but I do work on windows
machines durring the day and it would be fun (I think) to develop for both.
So far I've downloaded the Python files and flipped through a little bit of
the documentation but haven't gone into much detail with it.  I'm wondering
if anyone could sort of give me a good idea of what Python is really capable
of and maybe more importantly what it's NOT capable of.  The extent of my
programming experience involves VBScript for the web.  If i had, say, a
microsoft access Database, is python capable of displaying records and doing
searches on that database?  Maybe more importantly is it capable of adding
records?  Out of curiousity, what are the nicest or most complex
applications you've seen done in Python?  A lot of what I've read referrs to
Python as being useful as "glue" to hol dother languages like C++ and others
together.  I dont know any of those so I'm wondering if Puthon will really
be somethign useful to learn or not.

Your insight is greatly appreciated.

C. Pruitt
mail at

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