Proving optimized function is still correct

Fernando Pérez fperez528 at
Sun Nov 11 17:10:09 EST 2001

> The preconditions are that arguments m and n are always positive integers.
> She amazingly reduced the above code to the following:
> def count_combos_optimised( m, n ):
>     numer = 1
>     denom = 1
>     j = m+n-1
>     i = 1
>     while i<m:
>         numer = numer * j
>         denom = denom * i
>         j = j - 1
>         i = i + 1
>     return numer/denom

Her 'amazing' reduction is possible simply because it's a very well known 
formula of combinatoric analysis. By the way, you should use long integers so 
that the factorials don't blow up in your face for large numbers.

You got me thinking. Below is a quick and dirty implementation of the same 
using Numerical Pyhton and some routines adapted from Numerical Recipes in C 
(which means they're not the most optimized in the world by any stretch of 
the imagination). I also added a copy of yours fixed to use longs:

#--------------------------------- begin file
"""Quick and dirty factorials and combinatorics.

Some stuff copied from NumRecipes."""

# fix to use longs instead of ints
def count_combos_optimised( m, n ):
    numer = 1L
    denom = 1L
    j = m+n-1L
    i = 1L
    while i<m:
        numer = numer * j
        denom = denom * i
        j = j - 1
        i = i + 1
    return numer/denom

from math import log,exp,floor
import Numeric

def gammln(x):
    """Return the natural log of gamma(x)"""

    N = Numeric
    cof = N.array([76.18009172947146,-86.50532032941677,

    y = N.arange(x+1,x+7,typecode=N.Float)
    tmp = x+5.5
    tmp -= (x+0.5)*log(tmp)
    ser = 1.000000000190015 + N.sum(cof/y)
    return -tmp+log(2.5066282746310005*ser/x)

def bico(n,k):
    """Return binomial coefficient (n k)"""
    return int(floor(0.5+exp(gammln(n+1.0)-gammln(k+1.0)-gammln(n-k+1.0))))

def combi_dist(m,n):
    """Return the number of combinations of m mutually distinguishable
    elements in which each element may occur 0,1,2,...,n times in any

    # this is just bico(m+n-1,n). Write it out explicitly for speed
    nn = m+n-1
    kk = n
    return floor(0.5+exp(gammln(nn+1.0)-gammln(kk+1.0)-gammln(nn-kk+1.0)))

#--------------------------------- end file

Your colleague's algorithm is very fast for small m, but dies badly for large 
m. Basically hers is O(m) in execution time (roughly), while my (well, 
NumRecipes') version is roughly constant in execution time (indep. of m,n). 

Here's some timings of hers vs mine (yes, that's a python prompt, times in 

For large m:

In[64]:= m,n,reps
Out[64]= (3000, 20, 100)
In[65]:= time_test reps,combi_dist ,m,n
-------> time_test (reps,combi_dist ,m,n)
Out[65]= 0.069999999999993179
In[66]:= time_test reps,count_combos_optimised ,m,n
-------> time_test (reps,count_combos_optimised ,m,n)
Out[66]= 17.5

And for small m:
In[67]:= m=30
In[68]:= time_test reps,combi_dist ,m,n
-------> time_test (reps,combi_dist ,m,n)
Out[68]= 0.07000000000000739
In[69]:= time_test reps,count_combos_optimised ,m,n
-------> time_test (reps,count_combos_optimised ,m,n)
Out[69]= 0.030000000000001137

So, study your problem domain and decide whether you'll need small or large 
m. If you'll need both and really need speed, blend the two implementations 
into one with a branch cutoff (you'll have to play a bit to determine the 

One advantage of your colleague's version: b/c it uses longs, it will produce 
exact results always. Mine is ultimately limited to things that fit into a 
float, so it will blow up in extreme cases.

Hope this helps,


PS. As for your original question, yes, her solution is correct ;)

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