XML Schema

Bill Tate tatebll at aol.com
Mon Nov 12 20:24:04 EST 2001

Jesper Holmberg <jesper at strindberg.maisel.enst-bretagne.fr> wrote in message news:<87vggivo5r.fsf at strindberg.maisel.enst-bretagne.fr>...
> Hi All,
> I'm trying to get some overview of xml tools in Python, but I'm a little
> overwhelmed by the large number of sometimes half-finished, often poorly
> documented, libraries and toolkits. I guess this in part is due to XML being a
> relatively new technology.
> However, I'm more specifically looking for Python implementations of
> XML Schema-validating parser. Does anyone here know of any tool-kit/parser that
> supports XML Schema?
> Jesper

Jesper, I think you will find most support for validation is limited
to DTD's - AFAIK, Sean McGrath's book XML processing with Python,
provides one utility in particular, XMLV, that will validate an XML
document against a DTD but NOT a xml schema.  If the parser cannot
locate the DTD, it reverts to a non-validating version (essentially
the equivalent of his XMLN tool - a non-validating parser).  Sean's
book does not address validating documents against XML schemas at all
- pretty understandable given the state of the schema standard at the
time it was published.  Sean's book does have a number of very useful
tips nevertheless.

I presume you've checked out Fourthought's FourSuite product.  While
it does have tools for XSLT, XPATH, RDF, SAX and DOM -  I'm pretty
sure it also doesn't provide tools to validate documents against a
schema - but I would definitely check that site out first to be

You might also want to check out sourceforge - I seem to recall a
recent post about a couple projects to build wrappers to make Apache's
xerces and xalan tools available to python - I can't speak to that
effort or whether it addresses your specific question.

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