smtplib help

Grant Edwards grante at
Tue Nov 27 13:05:24 EST 2001

In article <mailman.1006789593.31248.python-list at>, David A McInnis wrote:

> I do call quit().  Is is possible that the script is moving too fast for the
> smpt server to keep up?  If so, how can I slow it down?

The "address in use" error isn't caused by the server, it's
returned by the TCP/IP stack on your end when there are no free
"outgoing" ports available from which you can originate the
connection to the server.  It's your TCP stack that can't keep

If you're sending all of the mail to the same server, then you
should be able to do it in a single connection...

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  .. I'll make you
                                  at               an ASHTRAY!!

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