
Stefan Antoni sasoft at
Fri Nov 23 19:34:58 EST 2001

I got the following script and it produces a syntax error which drives
me crazy. it says:

File "<string>", line 24
  j = 0 # a counter
SyntaxError: invalid syntax


is j = 0 invalid?

here's the script (anybody who can help me?):

import httplib

# request the page and get it
def GetUrl(ServerAdr, PagePath):
	http = httplib.HTTP(ServerAdr)
	http.putrequest('GET', PagePath)
	http.putheader('Accept', 'text/html')
	http.putheader('Accept', 'text/plain')
	httpcode, httpmsg, headers = http.getreply()
	if httpcode != 200:
		raise "Could not get document: Check URL and Path"
	doc = http.getfile()
	data =
	return data

# parse the page and return the content between the start and end token
def ExtractData(in_string, start_line, end_line):
    lstr = in_string.splitlines()
	j = 0 # a counter
	for i in lstr:
		j = j+1
		if i.strip() == start_line: slice_start = j # find slice start
		elif i.strip() == end_line: slice_end = j   # find slice end
	return lstr[slice_start:slice_end] # return the slice

# handle the returned stuff and generate a new page
def main():
	# parameter and constants
	ServerAdr = ''
	PagePath = '/'
	StartLine = '<head>'
	EndLine   = '</head>'

	Head1 = ''
	Head2 = ''

	Foot = ''
	# call functions
	RawData = GetUrl(ServerAdr, PagePath)
	v = ExtractData(RawData, Startline, EndLine)

	# return result and construct page
	print Head1.strip() + ServerAdr.strip() + Head2.strip()
	for i in v:
		print i.strip()
	print Foot.strip()

if __name__ == '__main__':

thx in advance,
Stefan Antoni
Fre Nov 23 19:31:54 EST 2001

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