Newbie questions part 2, thanks

Peter Hansen peter at
Thu Nov 15 21:45:38 EST 2001

David Grenier wrote:
> (still this is in class cons)
> Whenever I call cons.mappe(lambda x:2*x, cons(1,[]))
> I get the folowing error.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in ?
>     cons.mappe(lambda x:2*x, cons(1,[]))
> TypeError: unbound method mappe() must be called with instance as first
> argument

Don't call the method on the class.  Call it on an instance.

You have not created an instance of the class you defined.  You
are doing this:

class A:
  def func(a):
    print 'here'


instead of this:

class A:
  def func(self):
    print 'here'

a = A()

If you don't understand the difference, follow Paul's advice
and go back to read the full tutorial before you try to finish
the assignment...

Peter Hansen, P.Eng.
peter at

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