Am I a troll? Split personality?

Skip Montanaro skip at
Fri Nov 16 11:44:49 EST 2001

    Peter> I use Outlook express.  I was using a news account to post the
    Peter> messages.  I have multiple mail accounts, one using my web
    Peter> "handle".  When I post to the news account, there is no "from"
    Peter> input box, and I never know from which mail account the post will
    Peter> come from.  I can't figure out how to specify from whom the
    Peter> message is being sent.  I am new to windows, if anyone knows the
    Peter> answer I'd appreciate help.

Well, when someone admits to using Windows and having trouble, they often
get "switch to Linux or MacOS or <just about anything else>". ;-)

If you register at Google, you can post there.  (Registration is just so
they have some confidence you aren't registering with a completely bogus
email address.)  When I don't have mailing list access for one reason or
another or need to post the odd message to a Usenet newsgroup, I find that
works fine.

Skip Montanaro (skip at -
It's only a 25% solution to our problems.  Of course, we only want to solve
25% of our problems, so it becomes a 100% solution.

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