problem with "elif"

Matthew Dixon Cowles matt at
Sat Nov 24 15:35:18 EST 2001

On Sat, 24 Nov 2001 21:26:43 +0100, Pjotr <pjotr at> wrote:

Dear Pjotr,



>I started learning Python, using Python 2.1.1 and Ivan Laningham's
>book "Teach yourself Python...".

Cool. Welcome to Python!

>I have a problem with instruction "elif":

>>>> y = 1900
>>>> leap = "no"
>>>> if y % 400 == 0 :
>           leap = "yes"
>       elif y % 100 == 0 :

>IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level
>(line 3)

>What's up? This example is from Laningham's book and everything
>should be OK. Please help me!

elifs need to line up with the corresponding if so if you move your
elif left by three spaces, you should be fine. That's a convenient way
of doing things because it means that long sequences of elifs don't
end up marching right across the screen until even short lines wrap.


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