[BUG ?] Slicing a 'struct_time' can crash Python interpreter

Defresne Sylvain keiichi at yggdrasil.maisel.enst-bretagne.fr
Sat Nov 3 15:37:02 EST 2001

Tim Peters wrote:
> I'm confused.  Python 2.2 has not been released, and won't be until
> December -- 2.2b1 is a beta release, and nobody should be shipping a beta
> version in a production system (we guarantee that beta releases have nasty
> bugs <wink>).  So if you're not confused, Debian is.

  In fact, I'm using the development version of Debian. That explain why
  an beta version of Python 2.2 is shiped with. But the prefered Python
  on Debian is still 2.0 .


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