XML help needed

proudmonkey vb_guy at email.com
Sun Nov 25 17:23:50 EST 2001

Simple question (unless you know as little about this as I do)

I have a validated xml document that resembles an outline.  As 
a matter of fact it is outline.  What technologies are most 
appropriate for creating a simple web-interface that would allow
users to add/edit this xml document?

I once created an asp application that used xml as a "data island"
within an html page, and css stylesheets and your standard javascipt
to format and present the data.  Basically I queried an access db, and
formated the recordset as an xml string, and used that string as a
island' within the html page...(?,..it was last year).  Than any
modifications were in the form of insert sql statements....and the 
sql-->xml-->data island circle continued...

My quesiton to anyone willing to listen....What is NOW the most
means of editing an XML document through a web-browser?!?!?

Any suggestions will help to advance the common-good by contributing
to  the improvement of the company to which I am presently consulting.

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