cygwin compilation...

Michael Hudson mwh at
Mon Nov 12 07:33:51 EST 2001

provvisorio100 at (provvisorio) writes:

> my cygwin compiler hangs up con win98 after compiling all objects (i
> modified THREAD.C n other STUFF...) .


> After make bash hangs with the message:
> PYTHONPATH= ./python.exe ./ build
> I use a recent release of cygwin n i can compile quite well many
> sources..
> What i could check fisrt????

What version of Python?  Cygwin comes with Python 2.1.1, and CVS
builds out of the box (well, apart from _cursesmodule.c, but we're
onto that...) on my nt system.


     ARTHUR:  Why are there three of you?
  LINTILLAS:  Why is there only one of you?
     ARTHUR:  Er... Could I have notice of that question?
                   -- The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, Episode 11

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