Problem with inetd & Python

iwk iwk_nospam at
Wed Nov 28 18:05:12 EST 2001

Hi there,

I've written an M$ Office monitoring add-in which communicates with a 
Python script, a SocketServer, running on Linux. Works flawlessly, but I 
was wondering whether it would be possible to get it to run under xinetd 
or indetd. For no paticular reason, except curiosity and the possibility 
  of simplified code (it is with C). I went to work and ran into a problem:

According to the little information I found, a process being started by 
(x)inetd could use stin & stout to transfer data from and to the client. 
And when I telnet to a script which justs writes data to sys.stdout it 
works: al data is being displayed on the screen of the telnet client

However, when I try to *read* data from sys.stdin, nothing works 
anymore, not even the writing to sys.stdout

So code like:

x = sys.stdin.readline()
while x != '':
	x = sys.stdin.readline()

doensn't do a thing.

What am I doing wrong here?



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