Teaching python (programming) to children

Paul Winkler slinkp23 at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 9 23:26:16 EST 2001

On Fri, 09 Nov 2001 21:48:23 -0500, Peter Hansen <peter at engcorp.com> wrote:
>I wouldn't think one needs to understand classes to be able
>to use exceptions effectively.  They just look like a simple
>name for a type of problem that could occur in a block of
>code, and one only needs to learn a little syntax to be
>able to use them to great effect.

That's exactly how I experienced them when I first learned python.  I
didn't even know I *could* define my own exceptions for a while.  I
got a lot of work done just by thinking of them as "errors you can
catch and / or deliberately raise."

 - Paul Winkler

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