Should we trust .NET? (was Re: PHP vs. Python/comp.lang.php?)

Andreas Jung andreas at
Tue Nov 27 18:03:18 EST 2001

In Microsoft we trust !

On good example of "supporting" standards is WebDAV. When WebDAV came up
some years ago, Microsoft claimed to support this standard. Nowadays
Microsoft support WebDAV in a way where you can talk through WebDAV
from MS clients to MS servers. I have spent a long time debugging problems
between Microsofts WebDAV implementation and other WebDAV servers. They
violate the HTTP 1.1 and WebDAV specs in many ways, making it nearly
to write compliant server side WebDAV implementations.


   -    Andreas Jung                            Zope Corporation       -
  -   EMail: andreas at            -
 -  "Python Powered"                  -
  -   "Makers of Zope"                   -
   -                  "Life is a fulltime occupation"                  -

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ken Seehof" <kseehof at>
To: "python-list" <python-list at>; "stephen cox"
<stephen at>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 22:08
Subject: Should we trust .NET? (was Re: PHP vs. Python/comp.lang.php?)

> > > I see "a few socially conscious businesses" should use software from
> > > socially conscious business of the World ;)
> Stephen Cox wrote:
> > Except for the webserver, they do. MySQL as the backend database, ASP
> > PHP are the scripting langs. I'm learning Python so I can use ZOPE more.
> > True, I think .NET is cool - but I'll only use it if MS keeps it promise
> and
> > ports it too Linux and such.
> Odds of MS keeping any promises of this kind: 0.027%
> .NET will be cool until everyone starts using it as an industry standard.
> At
> that precise moment, MS will introduce various incompatibilities that will
> maximize problems for their competitors.  In the mean time, they will
> continue
> to promote .NET as the standard for open archetecture development.  Of
> course, if MS hadn't created .NET, somebody in the open source community
> would have, and MS would have lost a great deal of control over the
> They know this, and that is why they occupied the nitch with .NET.
> It has never been in MS's best interest to be compatible with the rest of
> the
> computing world.
> - Ken
> --

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