[Q] Python and expert system shell

Mike Clarkson support at internetdiscovery.com
Tue Nov 6 18:00:46 EST 2001

On Sat, 3 Nov 2001 16:02:59 -0600, "Young-Jin Lee" <ylee12 at uiuc.edu>

>Hi, all.
>I'm a python newbie and I want to get some advice.
>I have developed a Java application and I want to convert it to Python
>I think I can easily do most of the part except one module. In my Java
>application, I used a JESS (Java Expert System Shell). JESS is a CLIPS
>interpreter written in Java. Is there any CLIPS interpreter written in
>Python? Or any expert system shell in Python?

> SWIG interface file (clips.i) so that I could try wrapping it?

There is a SWIG wrapped version of CLIPS by 
Vladimir I. Ulogov (gandalf @ python.eu.org), and the 
set of the interface files are downloadable from his site:

I works fine under 1.5.2  and should easily recompile under 2.x
(in fact I may have used his binary under 2.1).
Let him know if you are using it.


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