problems using % in strings with %(var)s replacements

Simon Brunning SBrunning at
Wed May 23 06:34:44 EDT 2001

> From:	Thomas Weholt [SMTP:thomas at]
> Say I got a string s = "%(number)s among 50% are efficient for
> %(customer_name)s."
> I want to replace 'number' with 42 and 'customer_name' with Acme Inc.
> Trying to do a simple
> >>> s % {'number':42,'customer_name':'Acme Inc.'}
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ?
> TypeError: not enough arguments for format string
> >>>
> I see the % in 50% is the problem but how can I use the %-char in strings
> and still use %(...)s replacements??
Just double up the % character:

s = "%(number)s among 50%% are efficient for %(customer_name)s."

Simon Brunning
TriSystems Ltd.
sbrunning at

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