How Fast?

Nick Perkins nperkins7 at
Sat May 26 00:36:13 EDT 2001

>>..write code almost as fast as you can type.

>..with Python I can stay in the flow longer.

Funny, I was just thinking about this today.  I remember being told about a
guy who would code in VB, just typing almost continuously at ~40wpm.  This
was intended to impress me, but made me wonder what that code looked like?

I think that Python is especially well suited to eliminating any and all
repetetive typing.  I find that the more I think about and refine a program,
the shorter it gets! ( I haven't experienced that in other languages )

I am curious about how long most programmers 'stay in the flow'.
Personally, I rarely type more than, maybe, 3 lines at a time before
stopping to think again.  Sometimes it's much less,
but rarely more.  I suppose it also depends on your definition of 'stopping
to think'.  You might think for 2 seconds, or several minutes.

I can recall typing many lines of Java or COBOL without really thinking, but
that's because there was no way around it, you pretty much had to 'follow
the pattern'.  In Python, there always is a way to improve repetetive code.

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