'multiple definitions' with MacOS X

Tony McDonald tony.mcdonald at ncl.ac.uk
Sun May 20 05:11:12 EDT 2001

I'm working with python2.1 and MacOS X and compiling up packages such as 
PyXML and 4Suite (although this happens with packages such as MySQLdb 

I use the standard procedure to build and install these packages, ie

% python2.1 setup.py install

When I test out 4Suite, ie

% cd /usr/local/doc/4Suite-0.11/test_suite/4XSLT
% python2.1 basic_test.py

I get this;

dyld: python2.1 multiple definitions of symbol _XML_DefaultCurrent
python2.1 definition of _XML_DefaultCurrent
/usr/local/lib/python2.1/site-packages/Ft/Lib/cDomlettec.so definition 
of _XML_DefaultCurrent

I've managed to install MySQLdb by stripping out an offending symbol 
from libmysqlclient.a, but surely there's a cleaner way of doing this? 
Is there some compiler flag I can set that gets around this?

The python is a pre-compiled version from http://tony.lownds.com/macosx/ 

any help would be appreciated, this effectively stops me using any 
compiled modules under MacOS X (which is, in almost all other respects, 


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