mxDateTime: does strptime not exist?

Geoff Talvola gtalvola at
Thu May 3 13:34:42 EDT 2001

At 06:57 PM 5/3/01 +0200, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>Note that there's a much more elaborte date/time parser
>available in mxDateTime though: the submodules Parser, ISO
>and ARPA.
>These will do a pretty good job on a very wide range of
>possible formats, e.g.
> >>> from mx.DateTime import *
> >>> DateTimeFrom('09:49')
><DateTime object for '2001-05-03 09:49:00.00' at 8177198>
> >>> DateTimeDeltaFrom('09:49')
><DateTimeDelta object for '09:49:00.00' at 816f058>

The one gotcha I found is that it does the wrong thing for 12-hour time 
with an explicit "PM" (in version 2.0.0 of mxDateTime):

 >>> from mx import DateTime
 >>> DateTime.TimeFrom('5:34 PM')
<DateTimeDelta object for '05:34:00.00' at 8415c0>

But it does seem to be able to handle just about any date format I can 
think of.

Any chance the time parser could be upgraded in the next version?  In the 
meantime, it's not too painful to work around, for example:

def TimeFromString(s):
     t = DateTime.TimeFrom(s)
     if s.lower().find('p') >= 0:
         t += DateTime.DateTimeDelta(0,12)
     return t

 >>> TimeFromString('5:34 PM')
<DateTimeDelta object for '17:34:00.00' at 842fd0>
 >>> TimeFromString('5:34 AM')
<DateTimeDelta object for '05:34:00.00' at 842500>


- Geoff Talvola
   gtalvola at

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