Small bug (assertion error) in PythonWin

Neil Hodgson nhodgson at
Sun May 6 17:42:26 EDT 2001

Tim Peters:
> I never see it in IDLE, so I suspect the difference will be traced to how
> lines are getting sucked out of the underlying text widget.  The Tk text
> widget *always* has a newline at the end of the buffer; if Scintilla's
> doesn't, then PythonWin's emulation of the Tk text cmds used by
> has to make it look like it does.

   Scintilla does not guarantee that there is a newline at the end of the
buffer as one of Scintilla's goals is to faithfully store any file and not
all files end with a newline. There could be a mode to pretend that there is
always a newline at the end (and I think Mark has asked for this) but that
looks quite messy to me.


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