TIX - I need help Installing

Mike Clarkson support at internetdiscovery.com
Tue May 29 15:33:11 EDT 2001

On Mon, 28 May 2001 15:27:02 +0200 (MET DST), Laura Creighton
<lac at cd.chalmers.se> wrote:

>I can't install it on debian either.  I have Tk 8.2 and Tcl 8.2 
>already installed.  The last time I tried more recent software
>I couldn't get tkinter to work at all -- have things changed?

Tkinter should work with any Tk beyond Tk 8.0.5. Python 2.x
definitely works with Tk 8.2 (8.2.3 is the best). Python 2.x works
with any Tk 8.3 (8.3.2 and probably 8.3.3).

>Itcl however will not work with these.  It wants a more recent version.
Itcl should work with any 8.2 or 8.3 - I use Itcl 3.0.1 with Tk 8.2.3.

>I can't futz around with private copies of the libraries depending on
>which software you want to run today -- I want _a_ tk, and _a_ tcl and
>_a_ tix which I can install on our server. They need to run with
>Python 2.1. ... I could live with 2.0 if I had to but not 1.5.2.
>Tk and Tkinter must both run  independently of loading Tix.
You're in luck then. As of Python 2.1, support for Tix is more cleanly
integrated into the Python distribution. Tkinter works with Tix
without being patched, so it works with or without Tix.

>I hate debian and want real source, not binaries.
Great - use the source. Build Tcl/Tk 8.3.3 with 
	configure --enable-shared 
and and Tix 8.1.1 with
	configure --enable-shared  --with-tclconfig= --with-tkconfig=
(make install, and run the Tcl, Tk and Tix tests just to be sure.) 

Then build Python 2.1 and setup.py *should* detect the presence of
Tcl, Tk, and Tix dynamically. (If not, you may  have to tweak
Modules/Setup - RTfM.)

>Possible?  Or wait for a more stable version?
Possible and supported. setup.py under Unix/Linux
is still evolving, but it should work well for Tix.


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